HiRIS: HIV-1 Reservoirs Integration Sites “high-rise”

Top genes containing in vivo integration sites

Data is downloadable from the data page, filtered to just in vivo integrations.

Genes are ranked in descending order by number of proliferating sites, then number of unique sites, then number of subjects, and finally number of integrations. Genes with no proliferating sites are not shown on the bottom two panels.

Click on a plotted point or gene name to visit the relevant NCBI Gene page. Move the slider to increase or decrease the number of genes shown.

Copyright © 2015-2024 University of Washington. Previously published datasets are copyright their respective authors and used in accordance with their licenses.

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [R01AI111806, R21AI22361].

Built as a project of the Mullins Molecular Retrovirology Lab at the University of Washington.